The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill 侍者把他们点的餐端了过来,格雷厄姆签了单。
You order the dishes and I'll foot the bill. 你点菜,我来付账。
In NO other case is presentment for acceptance necessary in order to render liable any party to the bill. 在其他情况下,并非必须作承兑提示始可使任何当事人履行汇票之责任。
Six years ago they began to develop the technology for their E-Table system that allows customers to order food, drinks and the bill from a virtual menu projected on to the table. 六年前,他们开始研发电子餐桌系统的技术,这一系统能够使顾客通过投射在餐桌上的虚拟菜单来点选食物、饮料以及结账。
How does an exporter create an order bill of lading? 出口商如何签发记名提单呢?
An order bill of lading may be negotiated with endorsement to order or endorsement in blank; 指示提单:经过记名背书或者空白背书转让;
Those bursaries are just one of the concessions the government added in order to persuade sceptical left-wingers to vote for the bill. 这些奖学金只不过是政府为了说服左翼怀疑派投票支持该法案而增加的一项妥协措施。
Then the title to the goods is vested in the exporter to whose order the bill of lading is drawn. Request made to a person in authority, esp a ruler 这么说,货物的所有权即属于出口商,并依其记名签发提单而有所转移喽!(向权威人物,尤指当权者提的)请求,恳求
We've got a large order, bill! 比尔,我们搞到了一个大订单。
Can I have this money order cashed, please Enclosed is our bill; please remit. 请给我兑换这张汇款单随函寄上账单,请寄款。
Starting from this, in order to make the bill market become the investment and financing market and the bill relevant instruments, it is necessary to learn from the developed countries. 为了使票据和票据市场真正成为我国企业和金融界现实便利的投融资工具和市场,借鉴发达国家票据市场发展经验是必要的。
An order bill of lading is a negotiable document. 一份指示提单是一份可转让单据。
The non-reasonability of bills should be implemented and some ambiguous regulations should be made clear in order to separate bill relation from basic bill relation. 坚决贯彻票据的无因性,澄清一些法律条文的模糊规定,进而把票据关系与票据基础关系分开。
The numbering system starts over with each session of Congress, and bill numbers run in chronological order according to when the bill is introduced. 编号体系的起止同国会的每期会议一致,并且议案编号根据提出的时间以年、月、日编排。
The US tax authorities want to target "special purpose vehicles" set up by US financial institutions outside the country in partnership with local banks in order to reduce their tax bill. 美国税务机关打算将目标对准美国金融机构在境外与当地银行携手建立的、以降低税务负担为目的的“特殊目的工具”。
I've cut smoking to a packet a week in order to pay the bill, but it's worth it. 为了付帐,我已把香烟减到每周只抽一包,但是这样做值得。
There are good ideas that need to be listened to in order to get a good bill that will address the situation. 为获得应对当前形势好的方法,我们需要听取一些好的主意。
This sequence is shown by the order in which the trades are printed in the bill of quantities. 通常,这种顺序靠材料进度清单中所排印的各工种次序来表明。
Please be informed that the shipment of the cargo ( your purchase order No.123) was sent yesterday, airway bill No.123. 特此通知这批货物(你方订单号码是No.123)昨天已装运,航空货物的领取号码是No.123。
Secondly, base on theory and practice, this thesis probes into the conditions of bill of lading negotiation, in order to make clear of those requirements that legal bill of lading shall meet. 其次,在理论和实践的基础上探讨提单转让的条件,从而明确了合法的提单转让所应当满足的要求。
This paper holds that the major object of this crime should be "bill circulation order", instead of so called" bill administration order", for both respectively representing two different legal benefits: public one or private one. 本罪的主要客体应该是票据流通秩序,而非所谓的票据管理秩序,二者分别代表了公和私两种不同的法益。
There are still many problems, however, such as unitary product in the bill market, large amount of financing instruments. So a variety of instruments should be offered, laws and regulations should be perfected in order to promote bill financing of commercial banks in Xinjiang. 在新疆票据融资业务快速增长的过程中存在着许多问题,如票据市场产品单一、融资性票据量大等,因此应增加票据品种,完善票据法规制度,促进新疆商业银行票据融资业务的发展。
In this case the loser should take immediate remedial measures in order to retrieve his right concerning the bill. 失票人必须及时依法采取有效的救济措施,才能使票据权利最终得以实现。
Comparing with the tradition one the new system emphasizes specially the consciousness of serving the customer, the customer may order oneself bill form and the content. 与传统计费帐务系统相比较,新的本地计费帐务系统特别强调为客户服务的意识,客户可以按照自己要求定制自己帐单格式和内容。
The straight bill of lading is used a lot in the shipping practice, though it can't be negotiated as an order bill of lading or a bearer bill of lading. 虽然记名提单不能像指示提单和空白提单那样自由转让,但是在航运实务中记名提单的使用也较多。
The corporation must depend on quick response and more efficient learning in order to fill the bill in the new information economy age. 身处在一个知识挂帅的新经济时代里,企业唯有透过快速反应与更有效率的学习,才能在瞬息万变的商业竞争中脱颖而出。
It has designed the simulation disk intelligence dynamic management system, the main cording diagram dynamic management system, the power dispatch load report management system, the power dispatch information order bill management system, the network information issue system and the network Java curve data browsing system. 设计了模拟盘智能动态管理系统、主结线图动态管理系统、电力调度负荷收报管理系统、电力调度信息令票管理系统、网络信息发布系统、网络Java曲线数据浏览系统。
Various countries generally try their best to dwindle the range of defense to object in bill legislation, in order to ensure the safety of bill circulation; 各国立法一般尽量缩小对物的抗辩范围,以保障票据流通安全;
Enter bill of document module includes: order form management, export bill, sale in domestic market, bill of enter and out of storage. 单据录入模块包括:订单管理、入库单、验货单。
Corresponding risk-defend mechanism must be established in order to develop the bill market. Meanwhile, improved risk-managing means and the updated and accurate operation-supervise network are necessary. 发展票据市场,就必须建立相应的风险防范机制、完善的风险管理手段和及时准确的业务监督网络。